Sunday, January 9, 2011


We opted to do the painting ourselves to save some money on this project. Since sometime in December, we've been been staining woodwork and painting with most of our spare minutes on weekends, and over the New Years Holiday. What a great way to celebrate the new year! Now its almost done, and from these pics, you can get a vague idea of what it looks like painted. The electricians come tomorrow to put in the lighting.

Monday, January 3, 2011


While we're now into the New Year and final painting is underway,  I have not posted since November 3rd, so here's a few highlights from November to catch up ---


More holes in the yard

Flooring and finish carpentry

All the finish woodwork is now up and we have over 1/2 the painting done. More pics soon.

Friday, October 15, 2010


Its been a while since I have posted, not even showing off the windows and doors yet. We hit a slow patch with a couple of weeks of rain delaying the roof, with water in the basement and the living room. Very unpleasant. Now moving quickly again, we have roof, electrical, and heat, with plumbing in the new space soon to come.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Closing In

Bo can now look out the kitchen window, and image what the new space will be like.

Monday, September 6, 2010

The 'Formerly Pink'

Perhaps you are wondering by now about the descriptor in the web address for this blog. For almost 50 years, the small ranch and large garage were very pink. Mary, the former owner, now deceased, would not have it any other way. The match for this color at Ace Hardware was 'Brighton Rock Candy'. When I was patching over some thrown egg splots the first fall, the neighbors were panicked that I was not changing the color. When I finally did change the color to yellow, I left the outside spigots pink.